Enhancing A Trading Strategy with Deep Learning
A regression model for FreqAI module from freqtrade, a crypto trading platform.
The LSTMRegressor
is a deep learning model specifically tailored for predicting cryptocurrency prices and trends. It leverages the power of Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) cells, a type of recurrent neural network (RNN), to understand sequential data like time series.
- LSTM Layers: The model utilizes multiple LSTM layers to capture sequential patterns in the data.
- Automatic GPU Configuration: The model can detect and configure GPU settings based on the operating system.
- Data Preprocessing: Robust scaling and reshaping of data for LSTM training.
- Learning Rate Scheduler: Adjusts the learning rate based on validation loss to optimize training.
- TensorBoard Integration: Allows users to monitor training progress and visualize metrics.
- Early Stopping: Prevents overfitting by stopping training once the validation loss stops improving.
- Residual Connections: Enhances the network’s learning capability by connecting layers directly.
Quick Start
- Ensure you have all the necessary dependencies installed.
- Make sure to set “model_save_type” in your config.json to “keras”.
- Run it with
freqtrade backtesting -c config.json -s <StrategyName> --freqaimodel LSTMRegressor --timerange ...
You can customize various parameters of the model, including:
- Number of LSTM layers (
) - Number of epochs for training (
) - Batch size (
) - Learning rate (
) - Dropout rate (
) - Timesteps (
These can be adjusted through the config.json
"freqai": {
"keras": true,
"model_save_type": "keras",
"conv_width": 24, //timesteps
"model_training_parameters": {
"num_lstm_layers": 3,
"epochs": 100,
"batch_size": 32,
"learning_rate": 0.001,
"dropout_rate": 0.3
Strategy Overview
The strategy is built upon various technical indicators to determine the most optimal trading decisions. The core of the
strategy is a scoring
system, which combines these indicators to produce a single score, denoted by T
, for each time point in the data.
Formula Breakdown
- Normalization of Indicators: Each indicator is normalized using the Z-score formula:
and rolling_std
are the rolling mean and standard deviation of the indicator over a specified
- Dynamic Weights: The weight of momentum can increase in a strong trend. This is determined by:
- Aggregate Score ( S ): It’s a weighted sum of the normalized indicators:
Where w_i
is the weight of the i
th indicator.
Market Regime Filter ( R ): It determines the market regime based on Bollinger Bands and a long-term moving average. The market can be bullish, bearish, or neutral.
Volatility Adjustment ( V ): Adjusts the score based on market volatility. It’s inversely proportional to the Bollinger Band width and the ATR.
Final Target Score ( T ):
This final score T
is used as the target for the AI model.
Finally, the target score is used with a threshold to determine the buy and sell signals.
# Step 0: Calculate new indicators
df['ma'] = ta.SMA(df, timeperiod=10)
df['roc'] = ta.ROC(df, timeperiod=2)
df['macd'], df['macdsignal'], df['macdhist'] = ta.MACD(df['close'], slowperiod=12,
df['momentum'] = ta.MOM(df, timeperiod=4)
df['rsi'] = ta.RSI(df, timeperiod=10)
bollinger = ta.BBANDS(df, timeperiod=20)
df['bb_upperband'] = bollinger['upperband']
df['bb_middleband'] = bollinger['middleband']
df['bb_lowerband'] = bollinger['lowerband']
df['cci'] = ta.CCI(df, timeperiod=20)
df['stoch'] = ta.STOCH(df)['slowk']
df['atr'] = ta.ATR(df, timeperiod=14)
df['obv'] = ta.OBV(df)
# Step 1: Normalize Indicators
df['normalized_stoch'] = (df['stoch'] - df['stoch'].rolling(window=14).mean()) / df[
df['normalized_atr'] = (df['atr'] - df['atr'].rolling(window=14).mean()) / df[
df['normalized_obv'] = (df['obv'] - df['obv'].rolling(window=14).mean()) / df[
df['normalized_ma'] = (df['close'] - df['close'].rolling(window=10).mean()) / df[
df['normalized_macd'] = (df['macd'] - df['macd'].rolling(window=26).mean()) / df[
df['normalized_roc'] = (df['roc'] - df['roc'].rolling(window=2).mean()) / df[
df['normalized_momentum'] = (df['momentum'] - df['momentum'].rolling(window=4).mean()) / \
df['normalized_rsi'] = (df['rsi'] - df['rsi'].rolling(window=10).mean()) / df[
df['normalized_bb_width'] = (df['bb_upperband'] - df['bb_lowerband']).rolling(
window=20).mean() / (df['bb_upperband'] - df['bb_lowerband']).rolling(window=20).std()
df['normalized_cci'] = (df['cci'] - df['cci'].rolling(window=20).mean()) / df[
# Step 1.5: Calculate momentum weight
# Dynamic Weights (The following is an example. Increase the weight of momentum in a strong trend)
trend_strength = abs(df['ma'] - df['close'])
strong_trend_threshold = trend_strength.rolling(window=14).mean() + 1.5 * trend_strength.rolling(
is_strong_trend = trend_strength > strong_trend_threshold
df['w_momentum'] = np.where(is_strong_trend, self.rsi_w.value * 1.5, self.rsi_w.value)
# Step 2: Calculate Target Score S
# Each weight should be between 0 and 1. The sum of all weights should be 1.
# The higher the weight, the more important the indicator.
w = [self.ma_w.value, self.macd_w.value, self.roc_w.value, self.rsi_w.value, self.bb_w.value, self.cci_w.value,
self.obv_w.value, self.atr_w.value, self.stoch_w.value]
df['S'] = w[0] * df['normalized_ma'] + w[1] * df['normalized_macd'] + w[2] * df[
'normalized_roc'] + w[3] * df['normalized_rsi'] + w[4] * \
df['normalized_bb_width'] + w[5] * df['normalized_cci'] + df['w_momentum'] * df['normalized_momentum'] + self.stoch_w.value * df[
'normalized_stoch'] + self.atr_w.value * df['normalized_atr'] + self.obv_w.value * df[
# Step 3: Calculate Market Regime Filter R
df['R'] = 0
df.loc[(df['close'] > df['bb_middleband']) & (
df['close'] > df['bb_upperband']), 'R'] = 1
df.loc[(df['close'] < df['bb_middleband']) & (
df['close'] < df['bb_lowerband']), 'R'] = -1
# Step 3.5: Additional Market Regime Filter based on long-term MA
df['ma_100'] = ta.SMA(df, timeperiod=100)
df['R2'] = np.where(df['close'] > df['ma_100'], 1, -1)
# Step 4: Calculate Volatility Adjustment V
bb_width = (df['bb_upperband'] - df['bb_lowerband']) / df['bb_middleband']
df['V'] = 1 / bb_width # assuming V is inversely proportional to BB width
# New Volatility Adjustment using ATR
df['V2'] = 1 / df['atr']
# Step 5: Calculate the target score T
df['T'] = df['S'] * df['R'] * df['V'] * df['R2'] * df['V2']
Technical Indicators
The strategy employs the following technical indicators with their respective time periods:
- Simple Moving Average (SMA): with a time period of 10. It is the unweighted mean of the previous
data points. - Rate of Change (ROC): With a time period of 2. It measures the percentage change in price between the current
price and the price
periods ago. - Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD): Consists of the MACD line, signal line, and the histogram. The MACD
line is calculated with a slow period of 12 and a fast period of 26.
- Momentum (MOM):With a time period of 4. It measures the rate of rise or fall in prices.
- Relative Strength Index (RSI):With a time period of 10. It measures the magnitude of recent price changes to
evaluate overbought or oversold conditions in the price of a stock or other asset.
- Bollinger Bands (BB): These include the upper band, middle band, and the lower band. They are calculated with a
time period of 20. It is used to determine the volatility of the price.
- Commodity Channel Index (CCI): With a time period of 20. It measures the difference between the current price and
the average price over a given time period.
- Stochastic Oscillator: The ‘slowk’ line is used. It is calculated with a time period of 14.
- Average True Range (ATR): With a time period of 14. It measures the volatility of a stock or other “
”. - On-Balance Volume (OBV): With a time period of 10. It measures the positive and negative flow of volume in a
” relative to its price over time.
The LSTMRegressor model is a powerful tool that can be used to predict the outcome of a trading strategy. It can be
trained on historical data to learn the patterns and trends in the data. One of the challenges is to make sure that
not overfitting. There are many ways to prevent overfitting, but it’s not always easy to find the right balance.
One way is use dropout layers and regularization, number of layers and neurons, and the number of epochs. Another
challenge is to avoid trading on noise. This can be done by using a threshold to filter out the noise or by using
dissimilarity measures.
With the right hyperparameters and the slow
hardware that I’m using (M1 Max / RTX 3070) I was able to achieve a good
results (63%
accuracy) on a small dataset of 360 days.
The model’s accuracy may be improved by tuning the hyperparameters, strategy parameters (thresholds , config params)
using optuna
or keras-tuner
or other methods like grid search or random search and by using a larger dataset and
stronger hardware.